The Book of Revelation to John

The Book of Revelation to John is the unveiling of unseen spiritual forces operating behind the scenes throughout history controlling all events and their outcomes. This Bible teaching and website, hopefully will open eyes, hearts and minds to understand what the book of Revelation to John is trying to tell readers of today's world, through the eyes and understanding of John the Apostle of Jesus Christ and those of John's same time period. John was born in 11 A.D. and died in 99 A.D.  This time period was the end of what's known as the Second Temple Period in Judaism, and ranged from 516 B.C. to 70 A.D.  The time period the second Jewish Temple existed. 

According to definitions in Oxford Languages the word Apocalypse is a noun defined as (1) the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation to John; and (2) an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale. The Revelation to John reveals God's final judgment on all His created beings, spiritual beings and human beings and His created universe. This final judgment and the Apocalypse of John are synonymous with the Revelation to John.

Outline of the book of Revelation to John

Seven Trumpets

The first three chapters of the book of Revelation covers the spiritual conditions and the cultural environment of seven churches, in seven cities, at the time of John's writing, 90 A.D. Those cities and churches are scattered throughout Asia Minor, which is now part of western Turkey. These seven cities are each also postal centers, which arranged in a circular pattern cover most of Asia Minor. Those seven cities, at John 's time, are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. 

Chapter 4 through 7 reveal John's visions of the Lamb of God. Then the Lamb receives a scroll and opens the scroll's seven seals. God's international Israel are then sealed.

Chapters 8 through part of 11, describe visions of heavens incense altar, the seven angels standing before the throne of God, those seven angels blowing seven trumpets, warning of the coming wrath of God. Then visions concerning the safety and suffering of Gods witnessing church.

The rest of chapter 11 and continuing through chapter 14 depict visions of a woman, her son, the dragon, the beasts and the cosmic battle between Jesus Christ and Satan.

Chapters 15 and 16 detail visions of the bowls of God's final wrath, Heaven's sanctuary is filled with God's glory and angels pour out the seven bowls.

Chapter 17 through part of 19, describe the power and luxury of Babylon the prostitute. Her ultimate fall is then lamented and celebrated.

The remainder of chapter 19 and 20, Jesus Christ defeats and destroys the beast, false prophet, and their gathered armies. Then Christ defeats and destroys the dragon and finally, the last enemy death itself is destroyed. Christ has gathered all the disinherited nations from Babel to Himself.

Chapters 21 and 22 end the book of Revelation to John with the destruction of the earth and universe and the recreation of the heavens and earth into a new Eden, a new Jerusalem, which covers the entire new earth. God's people are glorified, their salvation is completed. God's loyal spiritual family alongside his faithful human family, experiencing an eternal life without sin, sickness, sadness nor death. An eternal life of worshipping God, loving God and each other.

Read the chapter by chapter Bible Study of the book of Revelation to John

Understanding the book of Revelation to John

Final Judgment

This painting is called The Last Judgment by Michelangelo created over a 4 year period between 1536 and 1541.  It is a fresco painted on the wall of the Sistine Chapel measuring 45 feet tall by 39 feet wide. 

The left half (Jesus' right) shows dead believers in Jesus Christ resurrecting and ascending to Heaven, then believers alive at Jesus' second coming are changed, in the twinkling of an eye, into their immortal bodies.  The right half (Jesus' left) shows the dead, lost, damned, humans descending into Hell and the lake of fire.

This artistic vision of Michelangelo is an awesome depiction of the final judgment described in the book of revelation to John.

Understanding the book of Revelation has proven to be an intimidating and confusing undertaking for many in the Church.

I hope, pray and expect that the teachings of this site will clear the understanding of the book of Revelation. Prayerful reading and meditation on this information will open spiritual eyes and ears, revealing a less fearful, clear and correct understanding of the book of Revelation to John.