Book of Revelation Bible Study - Chapter by Chapter

This book of Revelation Bible study, unravels the meanings of Apocalyptic visions, symbols and cryptic phrases John uses writing the Revelation to John. This Bible teaching was actually taught in a large church in south central Kentucky and is created so those students could have continued access to the material presented, and also to reach people searching on the internet for understanding of John's Apocalypse. My hope and prayer is, that understanding can be found in this book of Revelation Bible study.

The Book of Revelation Bible Study
Chapter 1
Prologue, Seven Churches, Lampstands, Angels and Eyes

Holy Bible

John's Apocalypse reveals these spiritual battles in a series of symbolic visions unveiling Old Testament Prophecies that will soon take place.

The word Apocalypse comes from the Greek word apokalypsis, which means a revelation, disclosure and unveiling. That is the disclosure of unseen heavenly, spiritual realm events and future reality.

The Revelation to John unveils the unseen spiritual warfare the Church has been engaged in, the heavenly, cosmic conflict between God and His Christ on one hand and Satan and his evil allies on the other.

Jesus Christ has already won the decisive victory with the cross and resurrection, but His Church continues to be attacked by Satan, the dragon in its death throes, through persecution, false teachings, allure of worldly wealth and cultural approval, and complacency of the Church.

John's visions from Jesus reveal the spiritual realities behind the Church's trials and temptations during the time between Jesus Christ's first and second coming. Jesus' visions to John also dramatically assure the final victory of Jesus Christ in the new heaven and new earth. The visions to John warn the church and strengthen the Church to endure suffering and to remain pure from the defiling enticements of the present world order. 

There's a lot going on in the first chapter of Revelation.  John uses several unique phrases, introduces some key words that we need to understand where John got the inspiration and what they mean, as we progress in our Book of Revelation Bible Study. Learn more about Revelation Chapter 1

The Revelation to John Bible study
Chapter 2

seven churches Asia minor

Readers of this book of Revelation Bible study will understand that Jesus told John to write what he had seen in his Revelation and send it to the seven churches in Asia Minor, which now is part of Western Turkey.

These churches were threatened by false teachers, persecution from rulers, comprise with surrounding pagan cultures, idolatry and immorality and spiritual complacency.

Jesus sent His Revelation to John to strengthen His churches, to resist the devil, whether in the form of intimidating violence, the Beast; deceptive heresy, the false prophet; or beguiling affluence, the prostitute.

Chapter 2 of the book of Revelation Bible study covers the first four of the seven churches this book of the Revelation John was told to deliver to the churches

The letters to the remaining three churchs in Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodieca is found in Revelation chapter 3.

Revelation chapter 4 details John's vision of God's heavenly throne chariot, the twenty-four elders surrounding His throne charitot and the four living creatures.

Revelation Bible Study
The four horsemen of the apocaplypse
and the seven seals

The opening of the first 6 seals, which unleash the four horsemen of the apocalypse can be found in Revelation chapter 6. The opening of the 7th seal does not happen until Rev 8:1. There is an interlude, a pause, between the 6th and 7th seal in Revelation chapter 7.

The seven trumpets

The seven trumpet judgments begin in Revelation chapter 8, and continue in Revelation chapter 9. The interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpets is found here in Revelation 10. The conclusion of the interlude and the seventh trumpet judgment in Revelation chapter 11.

The woman, the dragon and the Fall of Satan

Revelation chapter 12 describes how God used the stars, sun, moon and planets to let the Magi know of the birth of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

Revelation chapter 13 reveals perhaps the most well known characters of the Revelation to John, the first beast, the sea beast, and the second beast, the land beast, and the number of the beast, 666.